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Entries Dated Tuesday, 28 February 2006
I have been training again. It is good to keep up my strength. I have not left Kilican, except for a brief jaunt through Dundee, and I think the Vipers have started to become accustomed to my footsteps. The beaches have been crowded lately, uncommonly so. I have not advanced in some time. I should follow Cyno into the Eastern Mountains, but my heart is not in exploring at the moment. I want to enjoy the hunt for the Fire elemental, I am sure he would understand. I know he is a bit preoccupied at the moment anyway.

I have heard of a vigil being held at the Holy Order of Light. I pray for Maji's soul to find peace. I did not know her as well as many, but she touched my life briefly. She deserved the mercy of the gods and I hope they receive her well.

I have lost something. I think I left it in that tunnel. I wish she would speak to me. I wish she would tell me she might someday forgive me.
Raffe posted @ 22:46 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Monday, 27 February 2006
She takes flight
but I dare not follow.

I have done what I set out to do... and I have done so much more than I intended.

Fleur was right. She is always right about these things.

Raffe posted @ 12:07 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Sunday, 26 February 2006
I have a solution. I have come to a conclusion. I have found peace once more. It is fragile and thin as November ice, but I know that in time it will reach the permanence of the Warrior’s Shrine of the Ice Caverns. You see, that is my solace – my answer. Pursuit is not the answer. Running is not the answer. The answer is standing motionless, unwavering and unmoved. I must remain.

In other matters, training has slowed but it is only a temporary condition and I am finding its remedy at hand. Korrith has applied to Twenty Two. I was glad to see his application. I am anxious to get things in my life moving forward again.

I await the coming dawn with anticipation and find myself almost giddy to greet the day.

A final edit to this entry:

I spoke with Fleur. Of course, I was not the subject of the debate. It was a friend of mine that is in a particular delimna. However, she has convinced me to suggest to my friend that a full confession should come before an apology - it is better to just clear the air, right? Right. I hope so. I think she is right. My friend is very lucky I have friends like Fleur. She even said to tell him to come talk to her if he wanted to go through a practice run. I think that may be a good idea and I plan on suggesting that to him the next time I see him. He is a really lucky man, even if he is an idiot.

Raffe posted @ 21:30 - Link - comments
Entries Dated
There is no place like home.

I am sitting in the guildhall and already I feel better. I suppose I should have sorted out my thoughts and feelings before hand, but not everyone is perfect - Well, I should say everyone can be perfect all of the time. I must not forget about Octavia.

I think I should be doing more thinking than writing today. Hopefully I will see her today.

I wish I could talk to Fleur right now, maybe I will see her soon.
Raffe posted @ 13:03 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Saturday, 25 February 2006
*several pages are inserted without a date, written on a different style of parchment and have been placed in the journal recently*

The first day:

No one told me emptiness weighed so much. No one told me that the one thing I might fear the most is the one thing I cannot resist. I know better than this. I should have been more careful.

Octavia came along: a worthy distraction. Distraction may not be a proper word for it. But she certainly knows how to turn a head – distracting is the least of her qualities. She certainly has an irresistible charm. Her unwavering confidence is refreshing. Octavia is always the center of attention and makes it easy to forget that everything is not as perfect as she would have it. She makes it easy.

The funniest things happen when you are not looking. Of course, if a certain rogue thought I found her funny – she might just empty my pack and my pockets when my back is turned to her next. It’s not ha-ha funny, but the kind of funny that you would never expect. It’s the kind that sneaks up you, like waking up with a smile on your face. Funny: like a rogue that can wiggle her ears. Funny: like finding a friend at the foot of a volcano.

This feeling in the pit of stomach brings my mind back to another subject. I find myself not being able to concentrate. I cannot eat or sleep properly and I have not been training. I think I let one of the lonely places inside of me.

Why do they twinkle?
Because they know I am looking.

The second day:

Sometimes silence is golden. Sometimes silence is deafening. Maybe it just depends on how well you are listening.

I have done a terrible thing. I mentioned this before. Still, it is too fresh on my mind for me to put it into words – yet it is all I can think about. I find myself dreaming of things that have not happened yet, but my waking mind knows they will never come to be. All I can say is that I have treaded where I was not welcome. The worst part is I am not very sure I am sorry. There must be another word for it. There must be another expression I have not found yet.

I am undone.

The third day:

Hope. It is always out of reach. Always there - at the edges of my mind; promises of a slow burning redemption. It holds me up. It lets me down. Always there – in the corner of my mind.

Perspective. An important factor is any examination of circumstance. I am beginning to understand that my own perspective is the least important. Something else I did not think about.

I must return home soon. Yes, home is where I belong.

Raffe posted @ 16:29 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Wednesday, 22 February 2006
I have spent even more time in Kilican than I had planned. The beaches are nice there, even with the volcano forever looming impending doom. I wish I could move around more freely on the Island, but the Western Beaches will have to do for now. I have also worn a path deep in the drifts of the Snowy Plateau and carved permanent foot paths in the Ice Caverns. I need to push onward and explore further. As Cyno mentioned, it is time for me to track down the fire elemental. I cannot wait to see where that takes us and I am forever grateful for his offer to escort me. Speaking of escorts, I need to go to the Machine Under the Wall – I have two glowing crystals burning a hole in my bank.

I spoke briefly with Apolla. Every time I see her lately she is crying. I worry for what personal tragedy could have hurt her so. She says she just needs time – I hope that time heals her wounds. I remember a time when I only ever heard her laughing and singing, but I must learn to not be so nosy.

I am glad to see Zakath more frequently. We had a chance to speak at a very early hour this morning. He certainly has not lost the edge to his wit! It is always good to see him.

I learned the most curious fact last night: Molasses can stop one from wiggling their ears.
It apparently mires everything in its path, even ears.

Note to self: Talk to her soon. I feel a storm brewing.

Raffe posted @ 09:59 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Tuesday, 21 February 2006
It's not often I write twice in my journal in the same day. But today has been a red letter day for me.

I have made a mistake. It is irreparable I fear. But I cannot talk about that now. On to something different-

It was as magic: I was noting to myself to find out more about Octavia and lo’ did she appear to me. We agreed that I could not be blamed for falling for such as perfect woman as she and she said I may stay around until her one true love’s career was less important. As a great lover once mentioned: “A worthy distraction can do wonders for a torn heart.”
Octavia is a most intriguing woman and I would wager she has stopped many hearts – on and off the stage. I wanted to know more of her and I was aptly informed upon my request that she is “perfect and that is all there is to know.” Fair enough.

I bought Tabrina a present. I hope to give it to her soon. I will not say what it is, for fear she stumbles across my journal before I see her – but fear not I will say what it is as soon as she receives it. (It is easier for only one person to keep a secret… even if I am the worst secret keeper – ever.) [I have come back to add that Tabrina loved her Treated Leather Armor. She should advance and be able to use it soon. I pray it keeps her safe.]

I have spent too much time here all ready - my sword arm aches and must be stretched. The lonely places are calling my name.
Raffe posted @ 18:42 - Link - comments
Entries Dated
I read the scroll Haleth gave me a dozen times in the last two days. The scroll is tear-stained and worn from many readings before I laid my hands on it. I know that love like that is not found every day. Only the lucky few find it and the rest of us are left to look on with envy. Those in the story had it, the Fier’s have it, and there others I am sure but not many. The story offers hope for us that look in from the outside. It is beautifully written and it has a ring of undeniable truth. Perhaps Haleth gave me that scroll for encouragement. It is an encouraging story, even though the lovers are parted at the end. I wonder if she ever returned. I like to think the ending goes something like this:
…and through it all their love endured. They lived happily ever after until the end of their days.

Maybe I will ask Haleth if she knows how it ends.

I spoke with Tabrina again yesterday. I wish I’d had more time to spend, but we were both on Kilican and I would not have seen her if I were not training. The conversation we had between trips to visit Nyril had been pleasant. One comment stuck with me and forces me to grin when I think about her: “Just like a cleric: ask for the ring and you get the hand.”

I have decided that I must do more to aid in the fight against evil. I train with little pause, but that is not enough. That is merely obsessive. I think time spent away from the battlefield should be just as productive. I have never been as rejuvenated as I was after spending time with Haleth, just talking for a change. Killing takes a lot out of a person and there are many under the control of the Dark Lord. It takes good friends and good company to replace the darkness that tears at the soul. I should do more to provide such for those I love. I can be more than my sword arm.

The ring is dented and misshapen now from too much carelessness on the battlefield. It cuts at the flesh between my fingers – the one place I do not have calluses. Still, it reminds me of my place and our friendship. The ring is no longer a perfect circle, but as things evolve they sometimes no longer remain perfect. But who needs perfection?

Note to self: Who is this Octavia woman? I must find out more about her.
Raffe posted @ 13:29 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Monday, 20 February 2006
I have seen an angel sleeping
A mortal's love and heaven's weeping.

The last couple of days have been nothing short of... breathtaking. I made it to the Obelisk of Power in time to partake in the impromtu festival Cyno put together. Sylent sang beautiful songs, Korrith played his zither and sang as well... and the dancing - oh, the dancing did wonders for the soul. I was happy to see John Needles and Ruby there when I arrived. There were too many to name: Topaz, JKD, Morris and many I did not recognize as well as the few I only recognize from tellings. I introduced myself to Sylent after the celebration then met her sister shortly after - her name escapes me, but I am sure I will remember in the morning. So much is happening. How can I sleep? I feel my feet burning as they carry me forth. I feel destiny calling my name. I would give everything to halt evil in its track... yet, I am distracted.

I took some time out to fulfill my promise to Haleth. Well, almost. We said that when we found the chance we would toss back some ale and tell our stories. I wanted to hear all those things that linger in the shadows, everything I see hidden behind her eyes and things that she only says aloud in the dark. We did not get that far. I did not open up as I should have and she avoided my gaze on certain subjects. Not that I blame her. I love her. I could not hurt her. I could not force her to say things she would not wish. I crave to know, to know everything about her - to light the dark facets of her memory and be there in everyway. I want to make her happy - so I joke. I joke and I tease. It is easy to be there in laughter. I like the look of her smile. My guildsister - the one that keeps me whole in the darkness. My personal angel - she guides me home. I worry for her, that is all. I worry for her happiness. I love her - but not in the way she deserves. She deserves so much. Maybe I say too much. Haleth, my guildsister, you deserve more than you imagine. He had better be able to give it to you in full.

I have seen an angel sleeping
a mortal's love and heaven's weeping.

I am glad for all I have. I have advanced again and I grow stronger every day. I will stand beside Cyno and Haleth and the rest of Valorn against Balthazar. I will be the Warrior of Ryndall. I am happy to know the hero's of Valorn. I am happy.

I had to come back to add this: Her name is Tabrina.
Raffe posted @ 20:04 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Sunday, 19 February 2006
I am close to advancing again. This only drives me to train harder and longer. Its easy to get lost in the training and forget that my friends need me for other things.

I look forward to the time I spend with Haleth and I find myself missing Ilaena more than I thought possible. I hope she returns soon. I would like to show her that I too am training in Kilican. Maybe we can walk the beaches together. I think she would like that.

I know the most beautiful and enchanting woman. I have mentioned her a few times, but for her own privacy and my sanity I have not mentioned her name. We started out as friends and that is how we remain. She mentions to me how much she values my friendship - she has once called me brother. I would never jeopardize that with this passing fascination I have. I would like to, I would love to, but I know better. We all know how this ends. I will stand there awkardly proclaiming my undying devotion and she will abashedly tell my how much she loves me - like a brother, like a friend. Then I say I will settle for that and she will never want to hurt me. She will find herself pulling away and hiding her feelings from me. She will always have the love of another man. She would be afraid to show me her hurt and I would attempt to no longer burden her with my affections. I would find myself pulling away and hiding things from her. I would never want to hurt her and she would settle for that.

And I should mention, as before.. love has not taken the heart of me. I can breathe without her. I carry on with the slightest of distraction and I know this too shall pass. Besides, I know better. So, I wear this friendship ring. The band irritates me. It is a constant reminder that we are friends, and friends respect eachothers choices - no matter what.

Yet, I am happy. I have all I need. I may never have all I want, but who am I to ask for more than I have? I look forward to each day and each day I grow stronger. Each day I see her is a good day and each day I do not is still another day.

This is me:
Moving on.
Raffe posted @ 00:43 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Thursday, 16 February 2006
She speaks of happiness as if belongs to someone else.
She sees right through me.
She escapes me.
She knows.

I have been enjoying this time just walk around and look. I have not trained at all today. My hands itch and my muscles ache to be challenged, but my mind finds peace. I found myself at the beach and estuaries of the southern coast of Valorn. For once I was not impatiently waiting for a ferry ride or rushing to beat the tide down the Sea Dwellers caves. The sounds of ocean are calming. I found myself drawing pictures in the sand with the tip of my sword and before I knew it I was swinging at the thin air.

Well, here I go again. I must be about my training. If you don't use it, its gonna rust.

Raffe posted @ 15:58 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Wednesday, 15 February 2006
I am sitting in Fleur's right now. I remember the first time I came here. It was not that long ago.. months, I think. I followed Haleth's footprints and then was promptly lost in the Bos field east of the guild hall. I realized recently that there are Athletic grounds not too far from here... and I should remember to inquire as to the meaning of its name "Shrouded Sun Memorial Athletic Grounds." I am sure Ixon knows.

I am hiding, I must admit. I think I have been hiding for quite some time. I train relentlessly, but I do truly enjoy it. I am addicted to the powerful rush of success with every kill. I hate farming. It feels meaningless. I enjoy that tingle of a fresh blessing, especially when Haleth blesses me, and that feeling I can conquer the world. I enjoy being with my friends and guildmates, but I feel myself becoming less patient with strangers. I have tried to remedy this by signing up to be a mentor. Maybe if I force myself to be more social, I will not be so inclined to bury myself in the lonely places I train and hunt.

Today I suffered the bitter cold of the Snowy Plateau and Ice Caverns. I know why Ilaena does not like to train there. It is cold and lonely. I enjoy Kilican much more. I also recieved the best gift today: Cyno gave me some Armadillo Hide Armor, but he said it really came from Haleth. What can I say? It is the best fit I have had thus far! Thick and Sturdy, but not as restricting as I would have thought.

I have met so many good people. I should thank them for all they have done for me. I am no longer a lost, clueless, initiate trying to make heads or tails of where to go or what to do. I am powerful, knowledgable, and most of all - I am capable. All with the help and generousity of my friends.

I wear the ring for her. I wear it to remind myself of my place.
Raffe posted @ 19:02 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Monday, 13 February 2006
I should remember to edit my journals from time to time. I was reading my last entry and I am slightly embarassed by the amount of mistakes I left untended.

Haleth called me audacious yesterday. Not that I blame her, but even she admitted that the poem was quite funny. I did promise I would not post it in public view of everyone in Valorn. I think having it tacked up in the Guildhall is enough. Afterall, I am the Immortal Taunter of Omniscience. (Only Immortal because Fleur immortalized me with her own poem - and with such great company, I might add! I met her friend Milfred last night. He was a very nice guy. Although I must admit I was a little jealous that he has known her longer than I have. Silly? Yes, quite. I will have to take some time out of my constant training to do other things I enjoy - such as pester Ilaena and Haleth.

I also met a very interesting woman named Demelza yesterday. Again, I did not take long to get to know her because I was rushing off to train. I think that I will have more time for socializing when I rid myself of this obsession with the Lost Tomb. I have a new hunting ground at Kilican, but have to time my trips strategically as the ferry only runs 4 times a day. I highly enjoy the beaches near Kilican. I find the sand there to be much kinder than those in the Desert. It is not as hot and I do not have to fight for every breath. I can almost hear the relief in my armor as its movements are less grinding when not being sandblasted. Also, I think Ilaena is right about ther Beach Viper theory: They are attempting to hat everyone as part of their future plot to take over the many minds of Valorn! Well, it sounded good.

Generally, I am in an excellent mood today. I bumped into Apolla and even though she is still distraught from the loss of Galihad, we had a pleasant (but short) visit. I hope to see Steelton soon. I think he will be suprised at how I have grown. I hope he will be proud of my progress.

I am anxious to write an entry for Topaz's guild poem contest, then I should be back to my training.
Raffe posted @ 08:20 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Saturday, 11 February 2006
I am writing this from beside the Reflection Pool in our guildhall. I feel like I needed something to ground me - that if I were any happier my life would suddenly become a dream and all that my happiness would fade away into the unkind rising sun.

Luckily, the cooling stone around the pool reminds me that reality is true to its promise. I can no longer rank "the happiest" day I have had in Valorn. There had been so many and they are all so different. Each special day has its place, but for now I am elated, yet again!

I have finally visited Kilican! I ran up and down the road and danced on the beach (I should thank All the Gods that no one was there to see!... and then I was woefully out manuevered by a Viper. However, it does not matter because I had gained enough skill to visit the Trainer! Yes, that is right- I have advanced to that level I have been promising for days now! It has been withing my grasp for so long that finally accomplishing it tastes sweeter than any victory so far.

Corwin was teasing me about having to buy drinks for everyone at the Inn and I did actually invite Topaz. Oh, dear. I just remembered. As the thrill of advancing wore down sleep began to call and I decided to retire for a rest. I do hope she is not angry with me and I did buy her two lemonades (I will make a point of making this up to her ten fold). In all my excitement I was careless.

I was so thrilled to be in Kilican that I did not take time to commit the scenery to memory. I plan on visiting there much more often now. I think I should take a bit of a break from Lost Tombs. I found a cobweb in my undergarments yestereve.. and I think that was a sign. I need to spend more time in the daylight.

I have found the most curious journals: Annia Sarcata. A curious name. I should have liked to have met her, I think. Ethucan, I am told, as my gladius was.

Note to self: Sign up to be a mentor.
Raffe posted @ 22:17 - Link - comments (1)
Entries Dated Thursday, 09 February 2006
I have not ventured from the Guildhall this morning. I feel inadequate. I have no words to comfort my friends. I have nothing to offer. I pray that the Gods will let time come and heal their wounds. I wish only for their happiness.

Yesterday I went into the Western Mountains. It was a cold and lonely place. The snow leopards are definitely beautiful creatures, however ferocious for their size. I did not manage to get far before I met a Yeti. A beast much larger than I am prepared to encounter again. I left the Western Mountains immediately after that fateful encounter.
I also went into the Grassland/ Prairies and along the Trodden Path as well. I found the HONOR Guildhall and saw the beautiful wildflowers that grow in that area. I can see why they chose that place. It is perfect for Ruby's garden. Along the way tiger spiders and grass stalkers attempted to block my path, but they were not too difficult to clear away (as long as there were not too many in place). I also fought Forest Ogres! What a mess! Oh, and speaking of Ogres I followed I saw in the prairie and hear the most peculiar music. I will have to ask Fleur about that. From what I hear she has spent many hours with the ogres and would be the most likely candidate to enlighten me on the subject.

I eventually found myself back in the Lost Tomb. Fascinating place. I made my way through the twisting corridor and saw three of the most interesting statues: One of a Warrior, one of a Follower and one of a Soldier. I would like to investigate these statues more indepth. At the time I was anxious to see what lay around every new corner and did not linger too long at any one. When I reached the third floor. I was quickly sent packing. Perhaps I will return to the third floor, but not anytime very soon.

Haleth makes me happy. Ilaena makes me laugh. I don't drink enough ale.
Raffe posted @ 12:28 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Wednesday, 08 February 2006
I made some progress last night. I found the Tomb Chest again and opened it to find a Crystal Ball inside. A very exciting find! I recalled an enchanter in the Forest had said something about bringing him a crystal from the desert tomb. It had been awhile since I had seen that place, but after a brief conversation with a rogue named Mazada (I think: I feel so bad that I do not recall names easily! I remembered the enchanter in the forest. It did not take me long to locate the place in the Forest and I was soon rewarded with a potion, in trade for my Crystal Ball. In all my excitement I used the potion right away. This was not really a wise thing to do, because the potion was meant to enhance my amulet – which now can only be used by adventurers that are of a higher experience level than I am. I am not too disappointed, however, because I will soon visit Ural the Trainer (very, very soon) and be able to wear my amulet once again.

In other news: I met with James Silver to receive my award for the Carnivale contest. He is a very nice man and even blessed me for my continuing journey. However, I did something completely stupid right after that. I meant to sell a Dull Crystal I found in the Tomb. So, I thought I had. About 4 marcs later, when my pack was full once more, I returned to the merchant to sell my collected bounty. As I emptied my pack, the Dull Crystal rolled out – but I was missing a treasure box! I did not spend too long beating my head on the ground (the dust was starting to make me sneeze… and people were watching). I have resigned myself to the loss. It was a prize after all and I have learned the hard lesson to put items I do not intend to sell directly into the bank… and to be very sure of what I selling before I take the money! I want to congratulate the lucky soul who bought my treasure box from the merchant in the East Lane of Milltown. I hope it was something worth while. My other treasure box is safely in the bank at the moment and I will have to seek out Ixon the next time I have a chance.

I think that today I will venture into the Mountains. I have been there once, but had trouble handling the Snow Leopards. I feel more confident now and I am anxious to see what lies over the pass. The Tombs still hold my interest, however. I could spend days pouring over the hieroglyphs in an attempt to decipher their exact meaning. There is always the matter of the Ferry I found down there too. However, I am in the mood for some fresh air. Things have become murky in my mind and I think the exertion of a brisk jaunt into the mountains will help clear my head.
Raffe posted @ 10:53 - Link - comments (1)
Entries Dated Tuesday, 07 February 2006
I found out this morning that I won first place in the Carnivale of HONOR Trained Professional Short Story Contest. That makes the second event I have entered and the second I place first in! Not a bad start, I think. I was very excited to participate and have been on pins and needles about the outcome since I submitted my entry. Just as exciting, Haleth also made a good showing in the Expert contest by placing third with a marvelous love poem. I would have personally placed hers first, but my opinion is somewhat biased. The subject of that poem is a very lucky man, indeed. I have begun to appreciate my guild mates more deeply as the days pass. Not only do they provide company and comfort, but unyielding support in all matters. I do try to repay the effort in every way I know how. Sometimes I fear that my small understanding of many of the workings around Trinald hinder my efforts. I can only offer a shoulder, an ear, or my slightly off kilter sense of humor to try to keep spirits up. My guild mates write amazing poetry. I have read much and been amazed at the beauty of the words, at the emotions. Suddenly I realize exactly how deeply they love, how deeply they hurt. Why had this never occurred before? I had only seen the amazing beauty, kindness, generosity and acceptance they have shown me. Yet, underneath for all this time there was always something deeper; something hidden. How foolish have I been to not see this before? I must try to not be so self-centered as to focus on only the facets I want to see and learn to appreciate each of them for the sum of who they are.

Again, I find myself spending much time in the Lost Tomb of the Ancients. It took quite a bit of hunting around to finally find the upper level and key to the Tomb Chest. Fleur had been kind enough to suggest looking for an upper level (in part to relieve my frustration of reading and re-reading every single hieroglyph in search of an answer). The Tomb is both frightening and intriguing. I have not yet made it back to the chest since finding the key. I am most anxious to see what waits! I should also note that I found another glowing crystal. I really enjoy hunting Golden Crystal Guardians, but without appropriate blessings the Tomb is proving a very dangerous and expensive endeavor. Soon I will advance again; I hope that Steelton can be there. I do so hope to make him proud.

Note to self: wash off remains of Rotting Horde Feeder *before* going to the Inn – the smell tends to drive away potential conversation.
Raffe posted @ 17:53 - Link - comments (1)
Entries Dated Monday, 06 February 2006
Today has been fantastic!

I started the day with a visit to the Temple of Cory in Branishor. I am not a holy man, but I think paying my respects to the Gods in order on a more regular basis. Especially after seeing what Xia did today, but I will come to that later. I ended up spending far too much money on new armor and a shield, but I think they are worth it. I am rather pleased with my purchases. I just wish I had brought more to sell to Haggie while I was there. I avoided the Wastelands, as I learned in the past that hunting too far from strange cities can be a rather perilous ordeal! After I finished looking around at the beautiful architecture, I spent some time in the Tower. A marvelous view! There was a woman there taking a rest, but at the moment her name escapes me. Perhaps I will meet her there again. Three marcs pass in a blink of an eye from such a vantage point.

After returning to Dundee, I met Galad in the Inn and he bought me lunch. A very generous man. The conversation was just slowing down when someone mentioned a disturbance in the Town square. The Inn was emptied almost at once and I caught a glimpse of the action from behind Topaz and Galad, but kept my mouth shut. I think it wiser to not engage in conversation with unruly types, unless forced to do so. At this time, there were plenty willing to engage this annoying foursome. It was not long before Xia was aware of the tension in Dundee and acted with reverent swiftness to restore order to our lands. Truly a faith restoring moment for all of us that reside in Trinald.

I decided that some training was in order after finishing my lunch and all the excitement of four simultaneous smitings would not allow me to just sit in the Inn. I went to the Dark Canopy first, because I know the creatures there are easily conquered. There were no friendly clerics available to lend me some blessings, so I took the easy way out. I was not there but for a few marcs before I decided that some exploring would better suit the passage of my time. I had been in the Lost Tomb one time previously. Now, I am stronger and more experienced. That was simply the most challenging and rewarding exploring I have done so far! The heiroglyphs were amazing. I encountered the most interesting creature: A Gold Crystal Guardian. It was a most rewarding endeavor. I found a beach with ferry and I know there are miles of the Tomb left me to continue to explore. I left the Tomb to find out what was to be done with Ancient Glowing Crystal I found there.

Another excellent adventure! Galad arranged for me to contact Corwin Skyborn, who escorted me Under the Wall to the Ancient Machine. Corwin was very patient with me and vanquished many frightening creatures that blocked my path. I had been to the Wall before, but never that far! I had a good look around as we went and I am looking forward to being able to hunt there on a more regular basis soon. It was pretty exciting to be able to place my crystal into the Machine and get a scroll (and some fruit) in return. Galad offered to buy the scroll before if it turned out to be anything worth while. Considering all the help he has give and arranged for me, I will most likely sell him this scroll - but keep the Fruit.

The life of a Warrior. Fight, explore and fight some more! I will be spending more time in the Lost Tomb. It has turned out to be a great place to concentrate on training and explore at the same time.
Raffe posted @ 17:27 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Sunday, 05 February 2006
I have decided that the politics of truth are beyond my recogning. For my part, I will always attempt to remain honest. As for others, I am not suited for commenting on such matters at the moment. I am satisfied with my decision and I am also confident that my friend can remedy her own situation. I have abandoned my stance on that situation entirely. I am fairly sure the other parties involved would understand. I really have more important things to concentrate on.

In other events of my life: I am looking forward to being able to explore farther. I have been to Branishor, Caernivale, and Kilican. I like Branishor - my favorite place is the Tower I think. It really does have the best view in all of Valorn. Caernivale I did not enjoy very much - but I think after more experience I will be able to handle the outter areas better. I visited Kilican very briefly and I cannot really comment on my opinion as I did not have time to thoroughly explore. I really enjoy being able to explore lands far from Dundee, but my training occupies most of my time.

Training: Who does not love it? I feel the invigorating thrill of living more wholly when I am in battle. As Steelton reminds me, the monsters I face are not truly evil but merely under the influence of an evil master. I must remember to thank the Gods for the strength they have given me and rewards they heap upon me in the form of my guildmates and friends.

The deadline for the Carnival of Honor draws near. I should be finishing up my entry.
Raffe posted @ 19:23 - Link - comments (1)
Entries Dated Friday, 03 February 2006
I have not done anything rash. I still have these impetuous feelings that justice must be served, but I realize I may not know the whole story. I think time will solve this problem. I have asked Fleur for advice, she knows about these kinds of things and I think I will speak with Ixon the very next time I see him.

I had quite a bit of fun with Ilaena again last night. She finally advanced and I bought her that promised Brewsky! We were relaxing at the Dundee Inn, her usual escape from training, and we received the most curious look. I realized after a moment that it was because I had my arm around Ilaena and she usually leans her head on my shoulder. I usually put my arm around Ilaena because she is the only person that actaully sits beside me (Could it be residual zombie smell that runs everyone off?) and it gives me something to do with my the hand that is not lifting the ale. I never really thought of it as a type of hugging or cuddling, persay. I do not think she does either. I know that she finds it a more comfortable headrest than the top railing of the chairs.. and after a few brewskies, one might definitely need a head rest! So, who cares what strangers passing at the Inn think about my arm around Ilaena, her head resting on my shoulder, and tossing playful winks... oh my.. it does look as if.... I may have to carefully consider the borders of friendship before I go about giving the wrong impression. I just feel so comfortable around her. I guess I just sometimes forget myself.

Reminder to self: Train harder.
Raffe posted @ 08:18 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Wednesday, 01 February 2006
I am stuck in Caernivale for another 5 marcs. I was goofy enough to tie to a monument there and now the Cannon will not even take me back to Dundee! I should not be there, but I really just wanted to look around and see what all the fuss was. Unfortunately, there are Demons and other nasties all around. I could not even retreat fast enough! Not that I do that sort of thing regularly, of course, but it is best to live to fight another day.

So, I am not just complaining. This is my first trip here and it was very educational. I had to slip into the trap doors that others seemed to have no trouble getting through. I was hoping that if I started writing the creative bug would hit me and pass the time writing something entertaining for my friends. Alas, nothing.

I do have something that is bothering me, though. I am going to try to sort this out here, before I do anything rash. Here goes:

This guy is saying something about a friend of mine. Some of the things I know are not true, but one has to take a certain perspective on some of the abstract subject. I would never lightly call someone a liar. The things this guy is saying are pretty hurtful and my friend has tried to defend herself to no avail. My friend is worried that these rumors will tarnish her reputation, but worse still, they are discouraging her from doing work that she loves. Here in lies my delimna - If I jumped up to defend her publicly would it be taken as her not choosing to stand up for herself, but relying on me to do it for her? I would not want to insult her in that way or even open her up for insult. I have tried "being there" for her, but truthfully there is only so much a person can say "don't let it bother you." I would really like to grab this guy by the nape of his scruffy neck and make him apologize publically and recant everything he has said in various forum threads. I have considered challenging him to a battle of wits. My terms would, of course, be that if I am victorious that he recants publically and repairs the damage done to my friends reputation by proclaiming himself a liar in his Bio. I would let him set the terms of my defeat. I think that within reason I would be willing to honor any punishment for my failure to champion a friend.
I wonder if anything like this has been done before. Perhaps I should seek the advice of my guildmates and mentor before I do anything that might seriously injure my future for no reason. I am certain that I will have a conversation with this guy about the damage he has done. Perhaps he is not aware of the hurt he has caused. There is the chance, however slim, that it is all a misunderstanding.

That is all for now. The marcs draw closer and I must get back to Valorn. I have decided that for now, I do not like Caernivale.
Raffe posted @ 23:30 - Link - comments (3)
Entries Dated
Yesterday was a very special day for my dear friends, Ixon and Fleur. The anniversary of their bonding was a beautiful ceremony. Regretfully, I speak of the ceremony from an outside perspective because I was not able to attend. However, Fleur did provide a way for us to view a recount of the festivities. I wish I could have been there. Next year, there will always be next year to attend.

I also had the pleasure of celebrating John Needles latest advancement! He bought me far too many ale hats and I am afraid I passed out in Milltown Inn. He is a fun loving chap and quite the conversationalist. He is interested in becoming a Warrior, for which I commended him on his honorable choice to seek a path of valor and glory! Of course, the time has not come and he still has the other professions to consider. I feel he is well grounded and will make the decision based on what suits him best. As I recall, which is not all that much, he will be out of touch for a fort night or more to come. I look forward to catching up with him when he returns.

A note about women: Proceed with caution.
If I had to choose one woman in Valorn to spend the rest of my days with, I think even careful consideration would turn my insides out. I have met so many that are beautiful, special, and alluring in their own ways. I will not name any of them at the moment, for simple respect of their privacy. I often feel torn when attempting to deliver unto them the attention and care they deserve. Many are simply friends, but I am wrought with feelings that they must always feel that they are undeniable beautiful and unique. While many may see this as a shallow rambling of an inconstant heart, I must insist that to love many is the greater sacrifice. I can use the word love to describe my feelings for each and all, but I must note it is not the kind of love that is overpowering or breathtaking. I have made no pledges and would never lead any to believe my affections to be more than what they are. I would rather continue to enjoy the privileges of their friendships than insult the sensibilities of a single one. For now, I will love each as their friend only. Perhaps one day love will take the heart of me, but that is not today – I am not such a lucky man.

I know now that my decision to follow the Path of the Warrior was undeniably the right choice. Steelton is a great mentor and I find my strength growing daily. I participated in my first repelling of a Demon Army invasion of Milltown yesterday as well! I even earned an Invasion Ingot. There were many brave souls that gathered to call to aid at Milltown and each fought with honor. Now that my broadsword has tasted the blood of a demon, the memory of the exhilaration propels me to engage in my training even more often!

Which I should be doing now.
Raffe posted @ 10:17 - Link - comments